The Message from the Horse – Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling

Značka: Crowood Press
449 Kč 449 Kč bez DPH
Možnosti doručení
Every human enters this life and begins a journey. The path travelled is unique to each individual, and for some, the main streets and popular thoroughfares provide all that's needed to nourish a life well lived - food, fuel, friendship, family. For others, though, there is a desire - in fact, a need - for something more. In the form of a wandering, lyrical, autobiographical narrative, world-renowned horseman Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling exposes the inner turmoil, the burning questions, the fear, the doubt, and the darkness that pushed him off the roads most travelled in search of answers. In search of meaning.

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As he reflects on cultures past and his present surroundings, his words linger on visual, sensual, and inspirational clues, bringing his personal experiences alive on the page in emotional detail. His thoughts string together like clicking beads, brilliantly illustrating the passage of time and the interconnectivity of all beings. And ultimately, Hempfling comes to a truth, which for him brings heaven and earth into sharp focus. It is the horses that show him the way.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Horsemanship
Jazyk: angličtina
Vazba: lepená
Počet stran: 200
Nakladatel: Trafalgar Square Books
ISBN: 9781570767487
Rozměry: 15.9 x 1.9 x 23.5 cm

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