Acupressure for Horses – Ina Gosmeier

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Možnosti doručení

Hands-On Techniques to Solve Performance Problems and Ease Pain and Discomfort

In Acupressure for Horses Dr Gösmeier provides hands-on techniques to solve performance problems and ease pain and discomfort in horses. Acupressure is an effective treatment for horses with many of the benefits of acupuncture.

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Detailní popis produktu

As the therapeutic effects are not as intense or as deep as those produced by acupuncture, it can be learned and applied by horse owners and trainers alike, and used as a complement to professional veterinary care. Fear and tension in horses can be relieved with the aid of acupressure and it can be used to lessen the effects of stress on the horse prior to any unsettling events, such as change of stable, a horse show or transport.

About The Author

Dr Ina Gösmeier studied veterinary medicine at the University of Giessen in Germany, after which, she obtained specialised certification in acupuncture, undertaking additional studies in Chinese herbology in China and Switzerland. Since 2002, she has been responsible for the horses on the German national teams at championship events and in international competition, where she maintains the health, well-being and performance of the horses using naturopathic methods. She has taken part in Grand Prix dressage, written four specialist books and contributed to numerous equestrian and veterinary medicine articles.


Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Zdraví, masáže & terapie
Jazyk: angličtina
Vazba: spirálová
Počet stran: 160
Nakladatel: Trafalgar Square
ISBN: 9781570767876
Rozměry: 19 x 2.3 x 24.1 cm

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